Author: ace_admin

灣仔洗冷氣: 分體式清洗服務

ACExpress 最近為位灣仔的客人清洗一部掛牆分體冷氣機。定時清洗冷氣可提升空氣質素,令您安心。 清洗冷氣前 分體式冷氣清洗-灣仔-20230202_清洗前1 分體式冷氣清洗-灣仔-20230202_清洗前2 分體式冷氣清洗-灣仔-20230202_清洗前3 清洗冷氣中 分體式冷氣清洗-灣仔-20230202_清洗中1 分體式冷氣清洗-灣仔-20230202_清洗中2 分體式冷氣清洗-灣仔-20230202_清洗中3 清洗冷氣後 分體式冷氣清洗-灣仔-20230202_清洗後 1 分體式冷氣清洗-灣仔-20230202_清洗後 2

Wall mounted air conditioner cleaning job at a residential unit in Wan Chai, Hong Kong

ACExpress recently assisted a customer in Wan Chai to wash a unit of wall mount air conditioner. Cleaning your air conditioner regularly can improve the air quality and make you feel reassured. Before wall mounted aircon cleaning-wan chai-20230202_before_image1 wall mounted aircon cleaning-wan chai-20230202_before_image2 wall mounted aircon cleaning-wan chai-20230202_before_image3 During wall mounted aircon cleaning-wan chai-20230202_during_image1 wall […]

Wall mounted air conditioner cleaning job at a residential unit in Shek Tong Tsui, Hong Kong

Customer who lives in Shek Tong Tsui wants to have an air conditioner cleaning service for the sake of family’s health. ACExpress recently helped them to wash a unit of wall mount air conditioner, now the family can live in comfort and have no worry about the air conditioner affecting their health. Before wall mounted […]

半山洗冷氣: 分體式清洗服務

清洗冷氣,告別冷氣機內藏的細菌病毒。ACExpress 為位於半山的客人清洗三部掛牆分體冷氣機. 想屋企乾淨舒適?ACExpress 幫到您! 清洗冷氣前 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗前1 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗前2 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗前3 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗前4 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗前5 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗前6 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗前7 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗前8 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗前9 清洗冷氣中 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗中1 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗中2 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗中3 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗中4 清洗冷氣後 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗後 1 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗後 2 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗後 3 分體式冷氣清洗-半山-20230126_清洗後 4

Wall mounted air conditioner cleaning job at a residential unit in Mid-Levels, Hong Kong

Get rid of the bacteria and virus hiding in the air conditioner by giving it a proper air conditioner cleaning. ACExpress recently helped a customer in Mid-Levels to wash three units of wall mount air conditioner. Want to have a clean and cozy home? ACExpress can help! Before wall mounted aircon cleaning-mid-levels-20230126_before_image1 wall mounted aircon […]

What are the steps to cleaning your air conditioner?

You won’t dare use a fan that hasn’t been cleaned for a year, let alone an air conditioner. But do you understand what an “air conditioner cleaning” is? Everyone knows their air conditioner needs to be cleaned every six months, especially after summer, when it’s used more often. Even during winter, when the air-conditioner is […]

AC Express 洗冷氣程序

一部風扇一年沒清洗你都不敢用了,更何況是冷氣機?但你真的了解「洗冷氣機」是什麼嗎?相信大家都知道每半年需要洗一次冷氣,尤其冷氣機在炎熱夏天運作了大半年,機內暗藏大量灰塵、細菌,當天氣轉涼不需使用冷氣機時,應作定期清洗。ACExpress 經常收到客人問:「其實洗冷氣機即係點洗?有咩程序呀?」,筆者發現原來不少人對洗冷氣機一知半解,以為只是用高壓水槍清洗就完成,其實無咁簡單!今日就等筆者公開完整洗冷氣機程序,同你一一拆解。 洗冷氣機有咩步驟? 其實洗冷氣機大有學問,以下會大致分為3個步驟講解。在洗冷氣機前,要先做好保護工作,例如關掉冷氣機電源,將防水膠紙貼在冷氣機周邊等,然後開始進行清洗。 第一步, 拆開冷氣機外殼,取出隔塵網,清潔冷氣機身外殼。 ACExpress的師傅會小心翼翼地拆開冷氣機外殼,曾聽聞發生洗冷氣機師傅懷疑動作太粗暴,令冷氣機外殼破損,可以稱得上「未開始已經結束」,因此看似微小的步驟更要用心做好。謹慎拆開冷氣機外殼後,取出隔塵網,如太耐無清洗隔塵網,就會發現堆積如山的灰塵,令冷氣機無法正常送風,影響製冷效果之餘,出現大量黴菌傳出臭味,令家中「乞嚏」聲響不停,先知道原來隔塵網是引致鼻敏感、呼吸不順的元兇。接著好好清潔冷氣機身外殼,確保內外乾淨。 第二步,清洗隔塵網、豬籠風扇、制冷輪圈和檢查去水喉 緊接清潔冷氣機身外殼步驟後,會清洗隔塵網,然後開始清洗冷氣機中的重點—豬籠風扇和制冷輪圈。ACExpress選用高品質的coil水作為清潔劑清洗豬籠風扇和制冷輪圈,因為品質參差的coil水有機會令化學物質在機內殘留,對機身造成不良影響。當噴灑了coil水在豬籠風扇和制冷輪圈後,不消一會兒就會發揮作用溶解塵、污漬,便可使用高壓水槍慢慢地均匀沖走coil水,而流出來的污水大部份會由去水喉排走,為冷氣機作深層清潔。清洗完成後,就可以檢查去水喉,查看是否有淤塞或老化等問題。 第三步,安裝冷氣機身外殼、隔塵網和檢查冷氣機是否操作正常 此時洗冷氣機程序已完成得七七八八,開始進入還原和測試步驟。 由於清洗冷氣機後機件仍處於濕潤狀態,需要等待約15分鐘自然風乾。風乾後ACExpress的師傅會組裝回冷氣機身外殼和隔塵網,便可重新接回電源,開啟冷氣機檢查是否操作正常。洗冷氣機的所有程序大功告成!一部白雪雪又會噴出健康清新冷氣的冷氣機便重新為您的家庭服務喇! 結語 清洗一部冷氣機的步驟看似簡單,其實當中需要很多專業知識,加上各種步驟和冷氣機的重量並非一已之力可應付,稍一不慎將電路板濺濕或用錯工具,隨時造成零件損壞,甚至為家庭帶來危險,後果得不償失。筆者建議如果大家有需要徹底清洗冷氣機,不妨考慮聘用專業人士操作,ACExpress的專業洗冷氣團隊為客人提供專業快捷的清洗服務,而且收費透明,可靠熱誠,只需45分鐘令你重獲潔淨清涼的冷氣機。而且每一單工程都會提供30日服務後保養,所有由洗冷氣引致的問題 ACExpress都會提供免費保養,全家安心又放心。

元朗洗冷氣: 分體式清洗服務

洗冷氣就搵 ACExpress!我們最近幫位於 元朗 客人清洗一部掛牆分體冷氣機。客人十分滿意我們的服務。 清洗冷氣前 分體式冷氣清洗-元朗-20230117_清洗前1 分體式冷氣清洗-元朗-20230117_清洗前2 分體式冷氣清洗-元朗-20230117_清洗前3 清洗冷氣中 分體式冷氣清洗-元朗-20230117_清洗中1 分體式冷氣清洗-元朗-20230117_清洗中2 清洗冷氣後 分體式冷氣清洗-元朗-20230117_清洗後 1 分體式冷氣清洗-元朗-20230117_清洗後 2 分體式冷氣清洗-元朗-20230117_清洗後 3

Wall mounted air conditioner cleaning job at a residential unit in Yuen Long, Hong Kong

ACExpress, the best air conditioner cleaning service you can find! We recently helped a customer in Yuen Long to wash a unit of wall mount air conditioner. The customer is very pleased with our service. Before wall mounted aircon cleaning-yuen long-20230117_before_image1 wall mounted aircon cleaning-yuen long-20230117_before_image2 wall mounted aircon cleaning-yuen long-20230117_before_image3 During wall mounted aircon […]

How often should I clean my air conditioner?

It is humid and hot in summer, and air-conditioning has become indispensable to Hong Kong people. Air conditioners have saved many people’s lives, allowing us to sit comfortably indoors and continue to enjoy life. These appliances can be seen everywhere in our daily life: from small watch booths and companies downstairs to exhibition halls and […]