Author: api_user

Split type air conditioner cleaning job at a residential unit in Tin Shui Wai, Hong Kong

We recently helped a customer in Tin Shui Wai wash 2 units of Split type air conditioner The customer was faced with air conditioner dripping problem but after the aircon washing, we managed to resolve that issue. Before the air conditioner cleaning During the air conditioner cleaning After the air conditioner cleaning

天水圍洗冷氣服務: 分體式冷氣機冷氣機清洗

我們幫助位於天水圍住宅顧客清洗兩部分體式冷氣機,顧客遇到冷氣機漏水問題,在清洗工作後冷氣機漏水問題已完全解決 清洗冷氣前 清洗冷氣中 清洗冷氣後

Split type air conditioner cleaning job at a residential unit in Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Get rid of the bacteria and virus hiding in the air conditioner by giving it a proper air conditioner cleaning. ACExpress recently helped a customer in Quarry Bay to clean 1 unit or Split type air conditioner. Want to have a clean and cozy home? Get in touch with ACExpress! Before the air conditioner cleaning […]

鰂魚涌洗冷氣服務: 分體式冷氣機冷氣機清洗

清洗冷氣,告別冷氣機內藏的細菌病毒。ACExpress 為位於鰂魚涌的客人清洗一部分體式冷氣機 。想屋企乾淨舒適?ACExpress 幫到您! 清洗冷氣前 清洗冷氣中 清洗冷氣後

Split type air conditioner cleaning job at a residential unit in Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong

Customers live in Sham Shui Po wants to have an air conditioner cleaning service for the sake of family’s health. ACExpress recently helped them to clean 4 units of Split type air conditioner, now the family can live in comfort and have no worry about the air conditioner affecting their health. Before the air conditioner […]

深水埗洗冷氣服務: 分體式冷氣機冷氣機清洗

居住在深水埗的客人為了家人的健康著想希望清洗冷氣,無問題!ACExpress 為客人清洗四部分體式冷氣機,現在一家人住得舒舒服服,安枕無憂。 清洗冷氣前 清洗冷氣中 清洗冷氣後

Debunking the myth: Should outdoor air conditioning units be cleaned?

In the hot summer months, air conditioning units have become a necessity in many households. However, due to prolonged use and environmental factors, air conditioning units can accumulate dust, dirt, and other debris, which can affect their performance and lifespan. Therefore, regular cleaning of air conditioning units has become a necessary task. However, when people […]

拆解洗冷氣迷思: 室外冷氣機要唔要洗?

在炎熱的夏季,冷氣機已經成為了許多家庭必備的電器之一。然而,由於長時間使用和環境因素的影響,冷氣機內部可能會積聚灰塵、污垢和其他雜物,進而影響到冷氣機的效能和壽命。因此,定期清潔冷氣機已經成為了一個必要的工作。 但是,當人們開始關注冷氣機清潔時,一個常見的問題就出現了:我們應該拆解室外冷氣機並清理它嗎?這個問題的答案並不是非常明確的,因為不同專家和廠家對此有不同的看法。 一些冷氣機專家認為,清潔室外冷氣機是必要的,因為這樣可以清除積聚在冷氣機內部的灰塵和污垢,進而改善冷氣機的效能和延長其壽命。而且,清潔冷氣機可以提高空氣質量,減少家庭成員的健康風險。此外,清潔冷氣機還可以節省能源,降低家庭的用電成本。 然而,另一些專家表示,只有當冷氣機出現故障或效能明顯下降時,才需要進行清潔。他們認為,定期清潔冷氣機可能會對冷氣機造成損害,因為拆卸和安裝室外冷氣機需要一定的技能和知識,如果不當操作,可能會導致冷氣機損壞或出現其它問題。所以,如果家庭成員沒有相關技能或經驗,最好還是交給專業人員來進行清潔。 實際上,經常清潔室外冷氣機對於其效能和壽命的提升是有好處的。室外冷氣機通常會吸入許多灰塵、污垢和其他雜物,這些雜物會阻礙空氣流通,進而影響到冷氣機的效能。此外,這些雜物會進入冷氣機內部,積聚在濾網和風扇上,進而影響冷氣機的冷卻和加熱效果。如果這些雜物長期積聚在冷氣機內部,還可能導致冷氣機故障,這樣就需要花費更多的時間和金錢進行維修。 然而,拆解室外冷氣機並不是每個人都能夠自行進行的工作。這需要一定的技能和知識,也需要一些特殊的工具。如果您不知道如何清潔室外冷氣機,或者您不確定自己是否有必要進行此操作,最好聘請專業人員來進行清潔。專業人員可以根據您的冷氣機型號和清潔情況,為您提供最適合的清潔方案,從而保證清潔效果和冷氣機的安全。 總之,定期清潔室外冷氣機是有必要的,可以提高冷氣機的效能和壽命,減少用電成本,提高空氣品質,減少健康風險。但是,如果您不具備相關的技能和知識,或者您不確定是否需要進行清潔,最好還是交給專業人員來進行清潔。這樣可以保證清潔效果和冷氣機的安全,也可以避免不必要的麻煩和開支。

Split type air conditioner cleaning job at a residential unit in Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong

ACExpress recently assisted a customer inTseung Kwan Oto clean 2 units of Split type air conditioner. Cleaning your air conditioner regularly can improve the air quality and make you feel reassured. Book ACExpress’s air conditioner cleaning service today! Before the air conditioner cleaning During the air conditioner cleaning After the air conditioner cleaning

將軍澳洗冷氣服務: 分體式冷氣機冷氣機清洗

ACExpress 最近為位將軍澳的客人清洗兩部分體式冷氣機。定時清洗冷氣可提升空氣質素,令您安心。 今日就預約ACExpress清洗你的冷氣機啦! 清洗冷氣前 清洗冷氣中 清洗冷氣後